UF Health Pathology Laboratories offers several billing options to meet the various needs of our clients. For questions regarding billing arrangements, call our Client Services Department at 352.265.9900 or toll-free at 888.375.LABS (5227). We will gladly discuss the best billing option for your business.
Our in-house Billing Department offers following services:
- Account Billing: Account billing fees are available. To establish your account, call UF PathLabs in advance of sending the first specimen. Each month, an invoice and a detailed list of the charges for tests on each patient will be sent. Terms of payment are net 30 days. Include the remittance copy of the invoice with payment. If an invoice is in question, contact UF Health Pathology Laboratories as soon as possible.
- Medicare/Medicaid Billing: UF Health Pathology Laboratories will bill Medicare for outpatients and will bill state Medicaid programs as indicated by law. The patient’s Medicare or Medicaid number, date of birth, address, sex, diagnosis, ordering physician’s name and Medicare provider number must be clearly indicated on the test request form. Alternatively, both the front and back of the insurance card may be photocopied and stapled to the request. If the required information is not provided, the institution/ordering physician will be billed.
- Third-Party Billing: UF Health Pathology Laboratories will bill third-party payers for patients. The insurance company name and address; the insured’s policy or identification number; the patient’s date of birth and diagnosis; and the ordering physician’s name must be clearly indicated on the request form. Alternatively, both the front and back of the insurance card may be photocopied and stapled to the request. If the patient is not the policy holder, the policy holder’s date of birth must be included. If the required information is not provided, the institution/ordering physician will be billed.
Note: The billing for services provided by UF Health Pathology Laboratories is handled by the Florida Clinical Practice Association, Inc.
- The Florida Clinical Practice Association, Inc. taxpayer identification number is 59-1680273.
- A copy of the taxpayer identification certificate may be obtained by contacting UF Health Pathology Laboratories’ Client Services Department.