Instructions for Shipping Nerve Biopsies to University of Florida Health Pathology Laboratories
1. Before shipping any nerve biopsies to UF Health Pathology Laboratories, our Client Services department must be notified by calling 352.265.9900 or 888.375.LABS(5227).
2. Instructions on how to correctly process nerve biopsy specimens are provided below.
After packing your nerve specimens according to these guidelines label the outside of all packages containing a nerve biopsy with “NERVE BIOPSY.”
3. Confirmed arrangements must be made prior to shipping any nerve biopsies to UF Health Pathology Laboratories. UF Health Pathology Laboratories accepts nerve specimens Monday through Saturday.
Specimens should be delivered to:
UF Health Pathology Laboratories
Attn.: Accessioning
4800 SW 35th Drive
Gainesville, FL 32608
4. Accurate clinical information is critically important for the interpretation of nerve biopsies.
Help UF Health Pathology Laboratories administer excellent and timely patient care by providing all relevant clinical information on the attached Clinical Information Form for Nerve Biopsies. Return the completed form to UF Health Pathology Laboratories with the submitted biopsy sample.
Instructions for Preparing and Shipping Nerve Biopsies to UF Health Pathology Laboratories
1. Immediately upon receipt of the specimen, gently lay it flat on a cardboard strip.
2. Let the nerve rest for about one minute so it adheres to the cardboard.
3. Leave the nerve specimen attached to the cardboard. This is an important step for fixation.
4. Place the whole nerve specimen and cardboard into a formalin container.
5 .Ensure that the specimen is labeled with at least two unique patient identifiers – typically the patient’s name and date of birth or medical number.
6. Package the specimen in the provided large protective container. Label the outside of the container with “NERVE BIOPSY.”
7. Complete the attached Clinical Information Form for Nerve Biopsies.