Additional Information:
UFHPL Epic order code: LAB5851
CPT Code(s):
- 88233
- 88262
- 88291
Specimen Requirements:
Fetal Tissue Samples: As aseptically as possible, obtain a sample approximately 2 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm in size. Recommended tissues for abortus materials include recognizable fetal components, such as skin, lung and cartilage, and extra-embryonic tissues, like chorionic villi.
Transfer each sample to a separate sterile container (15 mL conical centrifuge tube) containing RPMI or tissue culture medium, which has been brought to room temperature prior to collection.* Do not place the sample in cold or hot medium. To enhance the possibility of a successful cytogenetic study, we recommend that at least two tissue types be sent in separate containers.
Do not freeze or fix samples in any manner contrary to the maintenance of cell viability. Maintain sample sterility; keep all specimens at room temperature; and deliver samples to the laboratory within 24 – 48 hours. Ship specimens at room temperature for overnight delivery.
- Frozen specimens
- Specimens greater than 48 hours old*
- Ambient: 24 – 48 hours old*
- Frozen: Unacceptable
* Cell viability of specimens requiring cell culture may be compromised in specimens greater than 48 hours old upon receipt. Refrigeration at 2° – 8° C may assist when a delay in delivery is unpreventable. Do not freeze or place specimens directly on ice.
This test is used to detect chromosome abnormalities in fetal tissues post demise (e.g. spontaneous fetal abortion), which may assist in determining cause and recurrence risks.
Classic cytogenetic G-band analysis (karyotyping); requires cell culture
10 – 28 days
Reference Values:
By report; interpretive