DNA Content/Cell Cycle Analysis, Products of Conception with Possible Trophoblast Disease

CPT Code(s):

88182, 88342

Specimen Requirements:

Paraffin block

Storage/Transport: Ship specimens at 20° – 25° C to protect them from excessive heat. Include a surgical pathology report.

Unacceptable Specimens:

  • Specimens that do not contain placental villi with trophoblast
  • Specimens in fixatives other than 10% neutral-buffered formalin or zinc formalin
  • Specimens in Bouin, B5, Omni or Carnoy’s Solution

Stability (collection to initiation of testing):

  • Ambient: Formalin-fixed paraffin block

Antibody: p57Kip2

Detection Method: EnVision + Dual Link System HRP


This test is used to separate cells with different traits from a mixed-cell population. Assays are performed on paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed tissue. Flow cytometry, in combination with p57 staining, can be used to differentiate between partial moles, complete moles or hydropic changes. Partial moles are usually triploid and express p57; complete moles are usually diploid or tetraploid and do not express p57, while hydropic changes are usually diploid and do not express p57 (Adv Anat Pathol. 2005: 12; 116-125).


Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry staining with p57 (FISH available spring 2011; call for availability)


7 days