CPT Code(s):
- 85097 Bone marrow aspirate
- 88108 Cytospin technical
- 88313 Iron stain on smear
- 88184 First marker flow cytometry, technical
- 88185 Each additional marker, flow cytometry technical
- 88187 Flow cytometry interpretation, 2 – 8 markers
- 88188 Flow cytometry interpretation, 9 – 15 markers
- 88189 Flow cytometry interpretation, 16 or more markers
- 88305 Formalin-fixed bone marrow biopsy or other tissue biopsy
- 88311 Decal, formalin-fixed bone marrow biopsy (if submitted
- 88313 Reticulin or iron stains on bone marrow biopsy (if submitted)
- 88319 Myeloperoxidase or non-specific esterase stain (for acute leukemia)
Specimen Requirements:
A 5 – 10 mL specimen of peripheral blood in a lavender- (EDTA), green- (sodium heparin) or yellow-top (ACD) tube is accepted.
If cytogenetics studies are requested, one additional green-top (sodium heparin) tube with 5 mL of specimen should be submitted.
A 1 mL tube of bone marrow aspirate is acceptable if the collection is minimal. You must clearly indicate that only one tube has been submitted and prioritize the requested tests.
If no significant amount of bone marrow aspirate is obtained, a fresh bone marrow biopsy in saline or RPMI (cell culture medium) may be submitted for flow cytometry and cytogenetic studies.
Formalin-fixed bone marrow biopsies or clots can be accepted for morphological evaluation and immunohistochemical studies, but they cannot be used for flow cytometry immunophenotyping.
- Frozen specimens
- Specimens greater than 24 hours old
- Inaccurately labeled specimens
- Specimens fixed in formalin for flow cytomtery
- Ambient: 12 hours
- Refrigerated: 24 hours
Storage/Transport Temperature: The fresh bone marrow specimen can be transported with a cold pack or wet ice, but do not fix or freeze specimens (no dry ice).
Other Requirements: A copy of the CBC and differential with clinical history should be submitted with the specimens. For your convenience, you may also check the boxes on requisition form to provide brief clinical information. Although we accept specimens older than 24 hours after collection, the viability of cells may deteriorate over time. Clotted specimens are less than optimal; hemolyzed and, frozen samples are unacceptable.
For more information or bone marrow kits (#0097 without RPMI or #0098 with RPMI), contact the UF Health Pathology LaboratoriesClient Services Department at 888.375.LABS (5227).
This test is used to diagnose hematolymphoid malignancies involving bone marrow.
Flow cytometry with or without microscopic examination
Within 2 days (Stat cases may be completed within 24 hours.)
Reference Values:
Interpretive report