CPT Code(s):
Specimen Requirements:
*Please note: If ordering both a chromosome analysis/FISH study AND a microarray analysis, please draw two separate tubes of blood. Chromosomes/FISH studies require as close to 2.0ml+ as possible, collected in a dark green sodium heparin tube. Microarrays require the same volume (~2.0ml+) and the preferred tube is a lavender EDTA, but a dark green sodium heparin is also acceptable. Further details for UF PathLab’s cytogenetics requirements are available here and LabCorp microarray requirements are available here.
Peripheral Blood: Peripheral blood must be collected aseptically in sodium heparin tubes (usually green-top tubes) and immediately rotated thoroughly to prevent clotting. For infants, obtain approximately 2 cc. Obtain 5 – 7 cc for children and adults.
Note: A separate blood sample is required if a concurrent conventional blood chromosome and/or FISH studies are desired.
Do not freeze or fix samples in any manner contrary to the maintenance of cell viability. Maintain sample sterility; keep all specimens at room temperature; and deliver samples to the laboratory within 24 – 48 hours. Ship specimens at room temperature for overnight delivery.
- Unacceptable Conditions:
- Frozen specimens
- Specimens greater than 48 hours old
- Stability (collection to initiation of testing):
- Ambient: 24 – 48 hours
- Refrigerated: Unacceptable
This test provides a higher resolution level compared to chromosome-based (CGH) testing for genomic copy number variations.
Oligonucleotide (or oligonucleotide with SNP) genomic microarray platform; requires cell culture
14 – 28 days
Reference Values:
By report; interpretive