Additional Information:
CPT Code(s):
88391,883894-MS9, 83900DRL, 88399, 88230DRL, 88291
Note: Adjustments and/or additional CPT codes and/or modifiers may be warranted
Collection Procedure:
Specimen Requirements:
Peripheral Blood: Collected aseptically in sodium heparin tubes (usually green top tubes) and immediately rotated thoroughly to prevent clotting. For infants obtain approximately 2 cc and for children and adults obtain 5-7 cc.
Please note: A separate blood sample is required if a concurrent conventional blood chromosome and/or FISH studies are desired.
Do not freeze or “fix” samples in any manner contrary to the maintenance of cell viability. Maintain sample sterility, keep all specimens at room temperature, and deliver to the laboratory within 24-48 hours. Ship at room temperature for overnight delivery.
Submit with completed CGH Microarray Request form.
oligonucleotide genomic microarray platform; requires cell culture
14 – 28 days (subject to broad range of variables, which may include additional testing as required)
Reference Values:
Interpretation Data: