Additional Information:
UFHPL Epic order code: LAB439
CPT Code(s):
Specimen Requirements:
Container/Tube: Plastic urine container with no preservative
Sample Volume: 1 mL
Storage: Refrigerate specimens.
Specimen Retention Time: 5 days
The urinary/CSF protein reagent is a colorimetric method. Pyrogallol red is combined with molybdate to form a red complex with a maximum absorbance at 470nm. The assay is based on the shift in absorbance that occurs when the pyrogallol red-molybdate complex binds basic amino groups of protein molecules. Under the conditions of the test in the presence of protein, a blue-purple complex is formed with a maximum absorbance at 600nm. The absorbance of this complex is directly proportional to the protein concentration in the sample. (Package insert, OSR General Chemistry BAOSR6x70.03, 2013-08)
Within 24 hours