Protein, Random Urine

Additional Information:

UFHPL Epic order code: LAB439

CPT Code(s):


Specimen Requirements:

Type: Urine, random

Container/Tube: Plastic urine container with no preservative

Sample Volume: 1 mL

Storage: Refrigerate specimens.

Specimen Retention Time: 5 days


This test is used in the measurement of total protein in urine, which is important in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with renal, cardiac and thyroid function.


The urinary/CSF protein reagent is a colorimetric method. Pyrogallol red is combined with molybdate to form a red complex with a maximum absorbance at 470nm. The assay is based on the shift in absorbance that occurs when the pyrogallol red-molybdate complex binds basic amino groups of protein molecules. Under the conditions of the test in the presence of protein, a blue-purple complex is formed with a maximum absorbance at 600nm. The absorbance of this complex is directly proportional to the protein concentration in the sample. (Package insert, OSR General Chemistry BAOSR6x70.03, 2013-08)


Within 24 hours

Reference Values:

No reference range established