Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody, Serum

Additional Information:

UFHPL Epic order code: LAB574

Thyrotropin-receptor antibody is an autoantibody to the thyroid cell receptor for thyroid-stimulating hormone. It can be demonstrated in 90% of patients with Graves’ disease, and is the cause of the hyperthyroidism of that condition. The characterization of TRA resolved much confusion about long-acting thyroid stimulator (LATS) and LATS protector, which are both, in fact, thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies which simply behaved differently in animal test systems. These antibodies are present in 50% of euthyroid Graves’ disease as well as hyperthyroid patients. They play a major role in the pathogenesis of Graves’ disease. Detection of these antibodies is useful in prediction of neonatal hyperthyroidism and prediction of relapse of hyperthyroidism.


  • Colvin RB, Bhan AK, McCluskey RT, eds, Diagnostic Immunopathology, New York, NY: Raven Press, 1988.
  • Gupta MK, “Recent Advances in Laboratory Tests for Autoantibodies to Thyrotropin Receptor Protein in Graves’ Disease,” Clin Lab Med, 1988, 8(2):303-23 (review). PubMed 3284698
  • Gupta MK, “Thyrotropin Receptor Antibodies: Advances and Importance of Detection Techniques in Thyroid Disease,” Clin Biochem, 1992, 25(3):193-9. PubMed 1633635
  • McKenzie JM, Zakarija M, “Clinical Review 3: The Clinical Use of Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody,” J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1989, 69(6):1093-6. PubMed 2685006
  • Morris JC III, Hay ID, Nelson RE, et al, “Clinical Utility of Thyrotropin-Receptor Antibody Assays: Comparison of Radioreceptor and Bioassay Methods,” Mayo Clin Proc, 1988, 63(7):707-17. PubMed 2898572
  • Nakamura RM, Binder WL, “Current Concepts and Diagnostic Evaluation of Autoimmune Disease,” Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1988, 112(9):869-77 (review).PubMed 3046557

CPT Code(s):


Specimen Requirements:

Important: No radioisotopes should be administered to the patient within 48 hours prior to venipuncture.
Special Instructions: Values obtained with different assay methods should not be used interchangeably in serial testing. It is recommended that only one assay method be used consistently to monitor each patient’s course of therapy.

Type: Serum

Container/Tube: Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
  • If a red-top tube is used, transfer the separated serum to a plastic transport tube.

Sample Volume: 0.8 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.3 mL (Repeat testing is not possible with this specimen volume.)

Storage: Refirgerate specimens after collection; samples are stable for up to 10 days refrigerated.

Stability (collection to time of analysis/testing):

  • Ambient: Unstable
  • Refrigerated: 3 days
  • Frozen: 1 month
Rejection Criteria:

  • Citrate plasma specimen
  • Samples collected in heparin or samples from patients on heparin therapy
  • Lipemic or hemolyzed serum samples
  • Improper labeling


This test is used to diagnose hyperthyroidism and Graves’ disease.


Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA)


3 – 5 days

Reference Values:

0.0-1.75 units/L